La Militaire Academy initially known as "Colonel Academy was established in the year 1988. The name change was initiated as a similar named school in south was causing conflict of identity.Initially the Academy worked on spreading literacy to the very poor and deprived and thus conducted classes to the people of the slums alone. With passing of years the La Militaire academy' members identified that the poor were not very forthcoming and the society suffered with paucity of organisation that assisted in the employment of the youth which were getting misdirected in great numbers and becoming cause of gross unrest, so the La Militaire academy identifying its strength focused on the belief of spreading career awareness.

Assistance & guidance in career pursuit & with its vast experience of the past .assistance & guidance in career pursuit & with its vast experience of the past the La Militaire academy started serving right knowledge to the Youth about defence & assisted them honorarily. Under the flagship of the la Militaire Academy efforts were started to help the poor and illiterate with maximum education the members could for the initial ten years. Even the defence aspirants were assisted in the best order with free guidance classes, donated books and funds. Later the realisation dawned that the dream was big and the hands too small as the La Militaire Academy’s hand were getting tied due to economic factors, so a meagre amount was charged for the herculean task to ensure the practical survival. The need of the team was felt by the founder patron of the La Militaire Academy for the positive mission and thus efforts were initiated and the founder patron – Col. S. M. Shukla (retd) was glad to receive the patron support of Lt. Gen S. K. Bhatnagar (retd). Late Brig. J. S Saigal (retd.) and Late Maj. S. K. Shukul (retd.), soon to be followed by the present chief advisor Col. K. K. Singh(retd,). Col. S. K. Ray (retd.). Maj. B. G. Singh (red & Col. S. K. Sharma (retd.). The Patron Advisor – Lt Gen. B. S. Sisodia (retd.). Wing. Cdr. V. K. Shirotriya (retd.). Sqn. Ldr. R. S. Chauhan (retd), and Lt. Col. R. N. Rathore (retd.) all followed with benevolence to provide strength to the effort. school visits, educational camps, workshops, counseling sessions etc. Youth seminars and workshops were held by the La Militaire Academy’s members to inform and guide as many as could be possible. Soon it was discovered that there is a big vacuum of right guidance and thus corrective action was taken and a Faculty captain Advocate Dr. Arun Kumar Shukla an ex- 53 SSC. Trainee and psychologist was appointed and empowered to guide and assist with his team of executives of La Militaire Academy on a regular basis to make the dream mission successful on ground – and success followed more and more candidates were enabled with guidance and in high ratio they got selected in the armed and para military forces both as officers and other ranks. Today the La Militaire academy has multiplied its capacity to assist more and has a dedicated space of approximately twenty-one thousand square feet area for the purpose of classes, workshops & guidance cells. The La Militaire Academy has associated itself with the State forest department offered ground facility for physical training of the aspirants for general duty, other ranks and physical efficiency of aspirants. The La Militaire Academy ‘s team works, to ensure that the students and aspirants get all the guidance and essential knowledge necessary for achieving their dreams, updated and effective to give the competitive edge so to not only clear the exams but also to achieve the position so to clear the merit in fLying colours and in this process ensure the pride of all the retired armed forces officers who have given their heart and soul to their beloved La Militaire Academy.


La Militaire Academy holds the belief that efforts has to be of the students – the umbrella provided by the guide is only for a short period to develop the confidence and courage of the aspirant to brave the storm, the rain and the circumstances that follows to ensure path to victory. So we first train concepts there after enrich the individual with knowledge and the requisite confidence by swimming in the ocean of the knowledge, the structured test series and the question banks are great boosters to the individuals chances of scoring high in merit. The student as arrives from different backgrounds, economical and educational level is exposed to psychological enhancement so to prove worthy suitable and raise standards to the required level of the service selection board criteria and the other criteria of the selecting body. The psychological workshop trains mind and the individual gets to learn interpersonal skills and equips self with pragmatic skills and viewpoint of managing day to day affairs in times to face. True it’s not that all who enrols in the La Militaire Academy becomes an officer or the soldier, rather inspired by self belief and enhanced competence they endeavour out to other career fields and scores success in a good career option and there on get promoted faster as recognised for their psychological skills. The structured yoga classes are for mental energy building and the final personalised psychological classes are for individual counselling to resolve psychological issues and resolve their personal hindrances to facilitate progress


Many thousands success stories have been recorded in these thirty years. The selections displayed are not half selections that is mere written but the ones which have recorded themselves successfully into the payrolls of the armed forces. The Faculty captain Dr. Arun Kumar Shukla has been at many points of time been called by the students as the one man army though now he has many to assist him in regular teaching of subjects as well as psychological training of students. The mathematics faculty sir Vinay Shankar Awasthi has been an old guard and sir Vidya Bhushan Misra sir Ankit, Sir Praveen Sir Rajesh ,Sir Akaash, Sir Ravi Along with Other sirs. Of course more boys have recorded success but some girls as well have made their way to the post of officers. Initially the teaching was done in co-ed fashion but now the Faculties are divided to facilitate comfort to the weaker gender Mrs Archana and Miss Shaanya assist girl section both in their governed classes as well as through electronic media so to help the girls in blossoming their confidence to enable the standard but essential for selection


The Wise says there has to be a guiding rays to unravel the path one needs to follow to achieve their success the ray of right guidelines is often enough for the able warrior” and so we follow – with reference to our past experience of Human Resource management training human mind and interpersonal skills – we all the permanent regular commissioned the short service commissioned, the emergency commissioned the trainee and the experienced academicians have got together under the one umbrella we lovingly call the La Militaire Academy Team, got together to assist directing the young energies to their goal blessing them with positive success and facilitating the future of harmonious society and progressively peaceful nation. We feel it’s our duty towards the next generation. The tomorrow- The Future Nation We firmly believe that Destiny is one’s own product of right efforts and guidance is the tool to facilitate and catalyst the results. So when an aspirant walks in with commitment we with commitment coupled with passion assist to our level best in ensuring the aspirants success. If the mind is alert and desire is to absorb even the once frivolous is educated to discipline mind and efforts to win, yet the adamant and faithless who desires to argue wastefully ( note logical arguments are welcome) and possess a blocked mind can never Win. Conclusively we state Walk in with trust coupled with the desire that I Must – we will match shoulders and assist you to get the honoured stars on your shoulders for a change to continue We have and we will win battle for your Success – for that is the goal as we are ONE TEAM – YOU AND WE and your Success and ours are the same ……TRUST- GOD WILL BLESS US…
